Friday, February 12, 2010

a first

last week i finally decided i needed to start lucy on her path to solid food. while it's fun & cute to see them eat, it's initially just a big mess & they don't actually eat very much.

i started the bean w/ rice cereal, but truly that stuff's just sooooo disgusting i just switched her over to oatmeal w/in two days. to help w/ some stomach issues, i decided to do prunes as her first fruit. honestly, she doesn't love it. any of it. she'll get it down, most of the time; but you can tell she'd just not prefer to be there. these pics don't do her *attitude* justice. :-) in a month or so, though, i know it will be a different the meantime, we just have to bear through the round & round that is feeding the bean her cereal & fruit!

lucy's 6 month dr appt was yesterday...she got 4 shots. oh so sad - the wide open mouth, silence, then the scream. wretched. otherwise, dr said she's *perfect*!

weight - 17 pounds, 4 ounces (65%)
length - 26.75" (75%)

i looked back @ G's stats from 6 months. he was 9 ounces heavier & a full inch longer! the bean's a little roly poly of love.
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