Monday, August 3, 2009

we're keeping her


life with our lucy lynn is amazing. we came home friday around lunch & have been settling into a home that includes two little ones...our kids. so weird saying "kids"! garrett's adjusting as well as we can expect for an almost 20 month old. he's always calling her "baby", smiling @ her, giving her kisses, poking @ her, etc. but so far no hurling toys/books @ her head - i'm sure it's to come, though.

lucy's feeding well, sleeping relatively well & loving any & all snuggles that come her way. it's for certain, we're keeping her. she's so beautiful & despite all the sleep deprivation & exhaustion we might feel, we're completely grateful for the gift of our baby girl!
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beth said...

She's so beautiful, Beth. Enjoy these days of "hibernating" with your family. They're SO special...even though it's hard to function b/c of being so tired!

Amazing Grace said...

She is so beautiful! I can't wait to meet her. :) Love ya'll!


Lisa K said...

What a sweetie! And I LOVE her name. Well done B&B. Cannot wait to meet her. Let me know when you are ready to get out for a little social time with the kids.