Friday, August 28, 2009

first bath


i'm late in posting this, but these are some pics from lucy's first bath. needless to say, she didn't really enjoy it. we just did it as quickly as possible & got her PJ'd back up!

the shot below is a side by side comparison of garrett & lucy after each of their first baths (right around the same age). since lucy was born, we've not really thought that she & garrett favored one another. but in looking @ this, i'm not so sure? perhaps they do more so than i originally believed.

love those little babies...we've had another day of not really getting out of our PJs. it's been raining most of the day & we've played, the kiddies have been asleep (garrett twice & lucy for the third time - wooh hooh!), i'm trying to recover from a lovely cold/sinus thing, etc. but i'm happy to report - the week's gone well; thanks to my hubby & our sweet friend susan - who are still providing me with the breaks & support i need. :-)

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Anonymous said...

we've thought the same thing with each boy that they don't look that much alike, but when you do comparison shots its amazing! they are both adorable =)
i'm glad you are feeling better and getting lots of help! pj days are the best and never be ashamed of them =)

Susan said...

the only thing that's different between those two pictures is your hair color! ha!! garrett and little lucy really do favor eachother! how special!!!

Cstargel said...

I need to get my hands on her! Wondering when you are going to bring her to small group so I can hold her the ENTIRE time!!!! Please call me if you need anything! Proud of you! You are a great momma!