the month of august simply flew by! our lucy lynn was one month old on august 29. it's so hard to believe she's only been with us a few short weeks. she's such a sweet, dainty addition to our house.
it's been incredible to watch garrett develop such concern & admiration for her. when he wakes up the first thing he usually says is, "bee bee?" wanting to know where she is. if she's crying, he's getting our attention & again saying "bee bee" & pointing to where she is. when brian came home from work one day, he saw brian, ran to where lucy was in her bouncy seat & patted her on the chest & told brian, "bee bee" if to say, "look daddy! here she is!" it's precious...he kisses her, tries to give her a paci, flies into her room ahead of us when we go to get her, happily throws away her dirty diapers or tosses her dirty clothes into the laundry basket.
miss lucy bean will have her one month appt this friday...we'll report on her stats then. :-) but she's already grown out of her newborn sized clothing...her hands & face are filling out. her only struggle seems to be perhaps some mild reflux - we hope to work on some resolution with that @ friday's appt too.
the past few weeks we've been reminded of just how blessed we are in the gifts of our healthy little children. we praise God for the beautiful lives of garrett & lucy...thanking Him for entrusting them to us for this time. all the while, watching another couple we know walk through one of the most difficult things any parent ever faces - the loss of a child. sweet samuel was born just 3 days after our own lucy...his parents bryan & kathryn held him monday as he went ahead of them to become one of heaven's little angels. such unspeakable sadness. as we rejoice in lucy's life, we mourn for the apinis family & ask that you pray for them & ask our Father to heal their hearts in a way that is only possible through faith in Him. you can read their incredible journey @
on yet another note, i wanted to thank both of our parents...gary (pop pop), martha (mimi), ronnie (papa) & becky (mah-mom/mimi)...for all of the help they've been to us since lucy's birth. and it's amazing to see how garrett's relationship with each of them has EXPLODED in the last two months. he definitely remembers them all, loves looking @ their pictures & talks about them (one day he went down for his nap naming everyone). thank you guys for loving us & our babies the way you do!

this little woman doesn't like being on her tummy in the least!

Ohhh, these are great! I love the shot of her on her tummy; she did not like that! Such a cutie pie. Can't wait to finally see her this weekend! xoxo
I had no idea how much Lucy and Garrett looked alike. Such beautiful children. I love you guys and miss you. All these pictures make me want to take a trip to GA.
I love these pic's. Aside from Lucy being such and adorable baby, I also LOVE that cute little outfit.
oh my goodness...your posts make me cry. being a momma is the best thing your babies are perfectly precious.
we would love to see you when you're in town!
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