Wednesday, September 9, 2009

my love


our little lucy is 6 weeks old today...truly, where has it gone? i know many parents don't enjoy the newborn stage, but i was talking to one of my girlfriends the other day & we both agreed that we really do LOVE it. regardless of how you feel about it, it goes so quickly. i think i know that more as a second time mom. so - when i can (like when B's off entertaining G or G's asleep!) - there's been more cuddling, more holding the bean during naps (like in the pic above), etc. & i just love it. i love her. my daughter. my baby girl!

garrett was @ our nanny's house all day yesterday which gave me the opportunity to just spend some focused time w/ lucy. at lucy's age, garrett must've been so tired of me staring @ him all day long...with #2 you just don't have that kind of time, so the days G spends @ nanny m's house are designed to give me some of that with my girl...& i love it. watching her move, literally examining how she's grown...& finally, FINALLY, yesterday getting that coveted smile for ME!

today, though, i was in her room changing her diaper...brian had just come home & G was playing in the floor. G started laughing & was being wild...i turned back to look @ her & she was smiling - i think b/c she could hear G! so i sat her up to look @ him. granted, i know she can't see that far, but i know she knows his voice & she HAS to know what he looks like b/c he gets in her face once an hour & in a soft, high-pitched voice says, "hi, beebee"...while he's practically lying down on her torso or pushing her bouncy seat over. makes this momma's heart melt!
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1 comment:

Laura alvis Photography said...

Hello! from time to time, I like to check in with my facebook Fan base. I was led to your blog, and wanted to say Congrats on your beautiful new baby girl! I too *LOVE* the newborn phase - even with all the sleeplessness. It's so sweet and precious. enjoy every moment!!

we do also have a couple other things in common - I used to attend North Point, and I'm a friend of tom sabonis-chafee. small world!