Sunday, November 29, 2009

so sleepy


garrett's second birthday is just around the corner. i think for all mom's their kid's birthdays are filled with alot of emotion. it SUCH a joy to watch your child grow & develop into an independent toddler, but @ the same time, you *miss* the *babyness* of who they once were. & while i might have a new baby in the house already, it doesn't lessen the way i feel about my baby boy getting so bigger.

his language is EXPLODING (sometimes w/ words mommy & daddy aren't so happy he repeats, we're such terrible examples sometimes!). tonight when we left the park he told brian, "tank 'chu, daddy, park" (translated "thank you daddy for taking us to the park"). you can see how his mind puts cause & effect together now. all of those amazing things - you can nearly SEE their brains developing. it's one of the most incredible parts of parenting, i think.

but the moment i captured above is STILL one of my faves. he looks so *little* when he's sleeping. still my baby. still with his lovey crunched up close to his face. G has always been a great sleeper & while doesn't always nap from the 9-10AM timeframe anymore (he has *rest* time in his crib during what used to be his AM nap), this particular morning he was pooped & would NOT wake back up. he gets to have books in his bed for rest time & that AM he only wanted this fisher price catalog that had come in the mail the day before. elmo was on the cover & he carefully inspects every page, pointing out characters he knows - mainly mi mish (trans "mickey mouse"), pooh, minny (trans "handy manny") & tools, & of course...elmo!!!

i really would keep him this way for much, much longer...& i DOES get better - but right now, i think my heart will burst b/c i just can't believe how much we love him. i love him! i love him! i love him!
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1 comment:

beth said...

So well said. :) You capture the emotion of motherhood so accurately in your writing! It DOES get more fun. But, you'll be so thankful you're documenting these moments, b/c there'll prob. be a part of you that always wants to turn back time and relive these moments. That's where I'm at, anyway. :)
How is it possible that we have not even MET your two precious kids?!? Can we DO something about that? Seriously. Shared vacation on the beach? :)