Monday, December 7, 2009



i told a friend recently, "i am just so in love with my kids right now!!!" i mean, i can hardly stand it; all that i feel for them. if you had told me 3 years ago this is the place i'd be, i literally would've laughed in your face & just shaken my head - i wanted ZERO in my life to change. i had another friend say to me once, "beth, in 25 years, do you see you & brian around the christmas tree with your kids?" and i said, "yes, of course." her wise answer, "well then you have to actually have some!"

& i wanted to, i did. i just couldn't imagine giving up my life as it was. fortunately, God knew how to get the best of simply *surprising* us with garrett! (& yes, i know, i can it REALLY be a surprise?) & while i sometimes miss life the way it was (& it's pretty much all selfish stuff), i can't imagine that STILL being my life now. i look @ brian & our kids & am just so grateful & humbled for the ways God has used becoming a mother to change me. oh, don't get me wrong...i have so much left to work... but becoming a parent alongside brian & being given the privilege to raise garrett & lucy has just marked my heart in a way that - i believe - nothing else ever could.

so tomorrow, the little suprise that gave me great pause & trepidation, that turned my world on its head...well, tomorrow that little surprise turns 2. i'll blog even more about him tomorrow, and i really only wanted to blog this AM to talk about something he said today. so here's how it went while getting him out of his seat after breakfast:

me: garrett, say thank you for the food.
garrett: thanks, elmo!
me: no, garrett, tell mommy thank you for the food.
garrett: thank you food, elmo! (hahahahaha)

right, my two year old made a joke & laughed in my face. :-)
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1 comment:

Susan said...

girl, i always get a wonderful little chuckle to myself when i read how much you're enjoying m-hood! it truly does suit you!!