Wednesday, December 16, 2009

my baby loves


ah. i just LOVE them.

one of G's favorite things to do is pull the cushion out of the glider in his room. he proceeds to pile books in there & climb up to read. OR more likely, he jumps hard on the springs of the seat & rocks (yes @ the same time) the chair.

this AM he pulled the cushion out & climbed in w/ books while i was changing the bean's diaper. when i lifted her up he said, "mere, baby!" w/ his arms stretched out towards her. so i plopped her down so she could sit w/ him. he started reading christmas books to her.

i quickly grabbed my crappy little camera & fired off a few shots. the bottom left shot is blurry, but i can see the pride in our little man's face (i was praising him for reading to her).

we have a 12 days of christmas book that goes through the nativity scene. each time he'd turn the page, he'd make up a # & then say the name of the animal/people (ie, five doves). shocking @ times to see how much they absorb from what we read/say/do to/with them.

i'm thankful for my little loves. regardless of where this day is headed, i'm grateful that i had those two minutes with them this morning.
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Susan said...

Mmmmm Mmmmmm Mmmmmm LOVE THOSE TWO!!!

JAMES & SUSAN said...

So awesome Beth!!!! You're such a wonderful mom- and a great example to a "new mom" like me. It's hard sometimes to stop and appreciate things- but it's wonderful to see the love in just "two minutes in the morning" like you said.