lucy & garrett had their respective 4-month & 2-year well visits today. fortunately, my trooper of a hubby joined me. & of course, garrett was easily managed & well-behaved this go around...times b/f when i've had them both in there, i have literally left the ped's office sweating!!! (why do they make you wait in that little room for soooo very long & then not put any childproofing on their cabinet doors/drawers? THEN they also put a sign on the rubber gloves that says don't let your kids play w/ them. ha! hello, if you actually came in here w/in 5 minutes of sticking us in that tiny hot house maybe i wouldn't have to resort to making a chicken out of a rubber glove or letting my child wash his hands 5 times - b/c he finds handwashing to be quite entertaining - & splashing water on your computer! i'm just saying...)
anyway! both the loves checked out very well. garrett got one shot & cried for 10 minutes; lucy got two shots & cried for 37 seconds. of course, G's turned into more whining & carrying on. & it was good that lucy did so well b/c the last time she got shots, she was still screaming bloody murder by the time i checked out.
they both did seem to be not themselves this afternoon, though. unrelated to the shots, i think, G graced me w/ his first public vomiting in target this afternoon, nice. not sure what brought it on & he was immediately ok. but i had to find a poor man to come clean up the floor. then i had to grab some wipes from three aisles down to get us all cleaned up. agh...the joys! :-)
the monkey - 30 pounds, 13 ounces (81%); 36.25" (90%)
the bean - 15 pounds, 4 ounces (74%); 25.75" (88%)
in thinking about their visit today, i am once again struck by how blessed we are. we have two very healthy kids. we have access to health care & vaccines for them. we have clean drinking water. we have more food than we sometimes know what to do with. i choose from a variety of foods when i consider what to feed G each day. we are rich beyond most of the world just in those facts alone. thank you, God, for all of these blessings!!!

1 comment:
we are all truly blessed =) thanks be to God! your little monkey and bean are adorable! i'm glad they are so well and healthy! and btw? i almost always leave the doctors office sweating! what a time that is in waiting and trying to keep the young ones entertained and not too wild!!
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