Friday, February 12, 2010

cracks me up

garrett's always saying funny things or doing funny things. in general, he's a really happy, full of heart little boy.

earlier this week he was on my lap. i was tickling him & we were wrestling. then i said...

me: garrett, are you a sweet boy?
garrett: nooooo!
me: garrett, are you a bad boy?
garrett: nooooo!
me: well then what are you?
garrett: i'm two!

hahahaha! his little mind. :-)

brian's been working crazy hours lately. they've had 3 big pitches in 3 weeks & it's requiring a lot out of brian. in fact, i don't know how he hasn't gotten sick or just fallen over from exhaustion. & you know that as much of a struggle as it is for you, your kids definitely feel it too. brian came home from work the other night & garrett shook his head "no" while saying, "done office!" he was so glad to see brian & to know B was done w/ the office (although he wasn't - poor guy came home to say goodnight to the babies & head back in!).

photo above was taken @ christmas, in TN. cousin J was driving G around brian's parent's neighborhood. they had so much fun!
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