Sunday, February 14, 2010

happy valentine's day

the three people below...they are my loves. this is the 15th valentine's day brian & i have spent together. we celebrated with some time together last night. which wasn't really so much about valentine's as surviving the first part of this year.

we came home from the holidays feeling like we were firing on all cylinders. really working well together. & i don't mean that in a prideful a way you just know you're in a wonderful, secure place in your relationship. in retrospect it was God preparing us - binding us together for the unexpected challenges we have been facing. it's nothing earth shattering, but enough to shake our world, exhaust us & in many ways truly test our faith. but in the last few weeks we have not only felt God's enormous grace, but one another's physical, emotional & spiritual support.

last night, as we were celebrating our survival :) (& our love, of course!) i was overwhelmed w/ just how blessed i am to spend my day to day with three such precious souls! so happy valentine's day to them & to all of you!

braves game (2008) in a big, giant red chair (though you can't tell it here)...i LOVE when we get time to ourselves - love our babies, but it is life giving to have time w/ my man!

in becoming parents, i believe God gives us the opportunity to see & love our spouse in a new & beautiful way. brian's been the most amazing husband (& father) through our transition...he was great @ garrett's & lucy's births - keeping me laughing & my spirits high. it is my joy to be on the journey of parenting our children w/ him.

happy, happy girl in her valentine's day outfit.

look @ those big blue eyes!

one sad, sick little boy watching 'CARS' after his (seriously!) almost 4 hour nap this afternoon!

he wants lovey & his drink & he curls up on the couch. or on us. we don't even care that he's been hacking all over us. lots & lots of snuggles from our little man in the last several days. wish he was better, but we'll take the cuddles while we can!


Jake Ford said...

Hey Beth,

Thanks for the kind words on the blog. That pic of Katie is most definitely a favorite of mine overall. She's so beautiful.

Maybe one day we can actually meet instead of just being internet friends.

- Jake

Andrew and Denise said...

Such cuties! Thanks for sharing!