Monday, January 4, 2010



felt like we christmas'd for a week this year. which i suppose we nearly the time we did christmas here, then in NC w/ my family & then in TN w/ brian's family. & in reality, not all of the decorations are down in our house...G's still wanting to read christmas books & see christmas movies (DD's as he refers to them - for "DVD").

& while christmas is rarely made up of anything it's portrayed as in movies or songs or stories to be...this christmas i just felt extreme peace & calm that i know comes from christ alone. on christmas eve, we sat in church & were reminded to seek our savior. to know the child that was born & placed in a manager. & we were challenged as we move forward into a new year, that we begin to look more like Him...just as a child resembles their parent.

our christmas day here, w/ our babies...was just special. special b/c our lucy lynn was here. last christmas we knew she was coming, but i couldn't wrap my head around what having 2 babies by the tree would be like. now we can't imagine this SWEET little girl NOT being wrapped around our hearts. we are ridiculously blessed...ridiculously so. christmas day night, i didn't even want them to go to bed...i did NOT want our special day to end! i am also thankful that we were able to then share in the season w/ both our families. lucy & garrett LOVED being around their big cousins & G just played his heart out (despite a nasty upper respiratory & ear infection!).

thank you, God, for the gift of your Son. & for the gift of our earthly family!

(shot above taken just b/f we headed out to christmas dinner...chinese! brian & i have done that every christmas day that we've been in atlanta, even b/f kids - so fun!)
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1 comment:

LWB said...

Great pic! Love that little Lucy bug - adorable with her big cheeks. xoxo