Wednesday, January 6, 2010



for the most part, G wakes up pretty happy from his afternoon nap. on the days he wakes up b/f 4, we usually go in to find him bouncing like tigger in his bed or lying on his back swinging his legs in the air from side to side.

but today i was shooting lucy's 5 month pic (a few days late!) in her room & i could hear him talking/whining from his room. when lucy & i went in to get him up, i asked G to show L his bed & put her in his crib beside him. but that little monkey wasn't happy. @ all. about anything. no idea what his grumpy trouble was but he was simply ill. poor baby. he didn't care that L was laying there w/ him. but he just didn't want to get glad.

all week, though, he & L have been spectacular w/ afternoon naps. i am still suffering through a nasty cold/sinus/yuck thing & have needed two days of naps myself! so i can't complain about one irregular afternoon of sleep...or level of crankiness! more than anything...i had to laugh. these two have made me smile so much this week - despite MY own crankiness! :-)
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