Wednesday, January 6, 2010

lucy's 5 whole months old


during lucy's 5th month...she celebrated her first christmas! last christmas SHE was our *gift* to everyone...we didn't know she was a she, but we knew this holiday season our lives would be a bit more chaotic than they were then. baby #2 was on her way!

the bean's a crazy happy little girlie. she is seriously ticklish - the doctor was checking her belly when she had a little stomach bug & he barely brushed her tummy & she started giggling! she really loves kisses too. particularly kisses in her neck - she'll just smile & crunch her chubby cheek down on the kissed side.

while we were in charlotte she finally started bearing weight on her feet. up until this point our snuggly little bean would just drop to her knees on your lap. she had no interest in even trying...even in the exersaucer, she would just push her toes *behind* her & sort of hang there.

this month she's also discovered when you leave the room. lucy no likey! whereas G pretty much never cared. she DEFINITELY cares. we HEAR how much she cares! she likes being able to see the crew. when i'm feeding her & B or G are in the room, it's CRAZY how she will turn to see the action. this morning in fact, she pushed the bottle out of her mouth, fixed her eyes on B (while smiling) & refused to eat until he came over & kissed her - then she happily turned back towards me for the bottle - HA! that little girl...

lucy's started really *playing* with her toys, hanging onto & reaching out well for objects. she loves mashing her hands together & sort of inspecting them...she's often holding her right pointer finger in her left hand.

she also loves her big bro! garrett's really starting to get a kick out of entertaining her. he will bring her toys, help change her diaper (he is great @ undoing tabs!), he loves to get her up & help put her down for bed. she loves when we sing to her...garrett's become a big fan of the singing too. he loves to *show* her things & *tell* her about them.

it's more than a joy to watch her grow! i already feel like she's so big & that once again time is going too quickly.
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