Friday, September 18, 2009

isn't she lovely


this was my first attempt at capturing lucy's smile. she's giving them to us pretty regularly now. there's nothing sweeter than picking her up from a nap & having her grin up at you! & for whatever reason, it's brian who does the best job at getting our baby girl to show her gums! :-)
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JAMES & SUSAN said...

She is so gorgeous Beth!!! I see so much of you in her sweet little face. I can tell by your posts how much in love with her you are!! I'm glad that you have such a wonderful family and are so happy!!!!!

Love you

Andrew and Denise said...

We were looking at her picture and Drew called her by a friend's name. I told him no it was Lucy. he looked up with his big eyes and toothy grin and said LOUsie. I wish you could have heard it. She is gorgeous aren't baby smiles awesome?

megan said...

oh my goodness. this sweet girl could not possibly be any cuter. I love her. Can't wait to meet her!! woo hoo!